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Book Recommendations
November 5th, 2009

Daily we classify things as being normal or not and judge about the morality of human behavior in a more or less conscious manner. Both Manfred Lütz and Oliver Sacks question normality and provide anecdotal insights into the complexity of human behavior. Only recently IRRE! Wir behandeln die Falschen - Unser Problem sind die Normalen, Manfred Lütz, 2009 was published. Whereas Manfred Lütz has chosen a more broadbrush approach to psychiatry, in "The man who mistook his wife for a hat, Oliver Sacks, 1985" Oliver Sacks rather describes individual fates.

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Sorry, your browser doesn't support the embedding of multimedia. Therefore, you are not able to see the video promotion of Oliver Sacks book "The man who mistook his wife for a hat".

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